Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Best Online Children Christian Service

One of the good things that came out of this Covid situation is my discovery of Treasure Box, this wonderful online children's service that is much much better than the children's service at my church. After watching 6 episodes or so, my kids now look forward to watching it on Sundays rather than groan and run away from us when we reach church. And I will always remember the first 1 - 2 episodes when all 3 of them bowed their heads and said the sinners' prayer together. It was a sight to warm a mother's heart for sure.  

I also really love the episodes where Uncle Elvin and Auntie Esther play act very funny scenarios to illustrate the lesson of the day, be it Uncle Elvin not sharing his wang wang biscuits or sharing in a very stingy way, or their funny games making the kids turn left or right while closing their eyes to show the importance of paying attention, either to the sermon or the Holy Spirit. Anyway it's great fun. I also remember them trying to walk through a Liberal sprinkling of powder without getting any on their feet, to show how hard it is to go through life without sin, and the kids loved how he went around 'shooting' love at his family members. They are really inspired in their lessons and their acting (especially Uncle Elvin's) is a joy, as he has a naturally warm and genial face that can take on a lot of expressions realistically (shocked, sly, sad, happy, etc). I also love their mission statement, which is to rebuild family altars throughout the land, and help parents bring up children in the Lord. Oh so needful!!!

I also realised for kids, it's probably better to have a topic that will relate to them (like what is sin, what does love look like, why they should obey authorities), and teach them bible verses on it, with relatable and poignant illustrations, rather than just going through bible stories and trying to draw some overly general or cheem lesson through it. My kids usually can't articulate what they learnt in Sunday school but for Treasure Box, even I can remind them of the lesson the rest of the week because the lesson is so memorable.

I love how the Treasure Box services really break down the lesson to a very applicable action they want the kids to do the rest of the week, or to make something meaningful that will impact their week or their life at home or change the way they view something. Their relatability and application to the Singaporean or modern day living context is top notch.

A very wonderful resource for all parents who want their kids to effectively learn Christian principles and values!

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