Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Birthday Celebration (Memorable Moments)

 So I was dreading the hubby's birthday because I was way too busy at work to plan anything. The oil spill was all-consuming. He also did not know what he wanted me to get him.

But after a desperate prayer the night before, the day turned out to be much better than I thought. Some highlights:

- In the morning, after dropping off the second for his first DSA trial, we drove off and was thinking about where to eat breakfast when he said a friend of ours had asked him out for breakfast that morning and been asking him out for breakfast and game nights. I immediately said oh, why not. And he was very reluctant, saying he wanted to spend time with me. Me! Imagine that. After poo pooing that idea, I asked him to agree and so he called him. In a jiffy he had joined us in the car and we drove off to Thomson Plaza in search of breakfast. We decided on Kith, a semi-pricey breakfast place but which had very large coffees of which I approve. The chicken  quesadillas were so-so. But that big mug of cappuccino was shiok. 

We chatted about many things - from how his oldest boy 16 was interested in this 14 year old girl from church and her father was a deacon at church and both parents sat down and had a talk and set some ground rules: no alone time or dates, no communication on weekdays, only on weekends. Apparently she was the youngest with 2 older brothers and she was quite tomboy and quite caring. 

The second boy is bonding with his fellow track and fielders in his school and having a great coach who teaches them about healthy eating and sleep and gives them a well-rounded exercise regime. 

We talked about that game night his boss organises. And the funniest thing was when I commented that since primary school my boys' friends have been making dirty jokes and he laughed and laughed and was so beside himself and said between huffs that for time immemorial, boys have been like that, and for him, even at the age of 8... 

He recommended us to Free Burma Rangers, some great Christian movie. 

The some other highlights were: my second boy enjoying the creative writing lesson taught by teacher Jerry. 

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