Thursday, June 25, 2020

Designing Your Home - Having a Space of Your Own

I am a big believer in having a corner for yourself in your home.  I think everyone needs such a space where they can place objects that are dear to them, that they can place things which they use often, which they can decorate any way they want, and a corner to pursue their own hobbies, be it writing, crafting, building or making something, listening to music, basically doing what they like, and be by themselves and be undisturbed and comfortable.  There are so many homes where each member of the household does not have such a corner but make use of communal spaces to do this.  I think communal spaces are great, as they serve a purpose well, and are also the spaces where we interact with one another, other family members.  These are spaces like the living room, kitchen, dining areas, etc.  But at the same time, I think each person also has a deep need for a space of their own, where they can be by themselves and recuperate and recharge and mull over things. 

I think this will help us to live more purposeful lives, and also lead more balanced lives.  With deep reflection and alone time, we can be even more energetic and boisterous and directed in our outside life.  Gosh, this is firing me up.  I have been walking around my house and just cannot find such a space for myself.  I can tell my husband uses his side of the bed for this.  He is often found there in the home when he is not busy with kids or work.  I need such a space where I can put my notebooks, stationery, a Bible and some key books, a laptop or handphone to play music, a surface of a nice height to write on, with adequate lighting.  Hopefully this place also has a view, is not too sunny, and is comfortable for me to sit for long hours....  The difficulty is in finding such a place in my home that has not been claimed by my kids, or my mum for communal study areas, personal areas or play areas. 

After much walking around the home, praying for divine guidance and trying out different corners and surfaces (e.g. balcony, family room, last room, living room, bedroom walk-in wardrobe), none of them worked and this is the final area I settled upon - the space next to my bed and which used to be occupied by the baby cot.  This is my "table of my own" and also my prayer altar.  I will use it to worship, read the Word, pray and journal my thoughts and prayers.  Mainly write.  


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