Sunday, September 26, 2021

Funny things my kids say

 My youngest daughter, who is 1 year and 9 months, is now able to say all sorts of things - at least to tell us what she wants us to do or what she wants to do.  Latest examples:

Her oldest brother was sitting on the sofa eating a packet of Mamee, which is a really tasty and salty noodle snack. She has been clambering all over him to get at the packet or get him to pass her a titbit but he refused (under my strict instruction as it's full of MSG). First she kept crying out 'Give me!'. Then when it wasn't working, she resorted to saying in a beseeching voice 'Try. Try!'. We were all astounded. 

She can also say "Stand up!" when she wants us to carry her up but we were sitting down, "Sit down!" when she was on the floor and we were standing up, "Lie down!" when she wants us to lie down together on the floor, "Go swimming" which always goes together with "swimming costume", "I'm done" when she is dressed and I am still changing, "Go supermarket", "Go library", "make bubble, BIG bubble" and she likes to draw on her hands and sing "mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you etc etc".  She also sings "B-I-N-G-O" and can count 1 to 10 and above in English, Chinese and Mizo.  When she is hungry, she will start muttering "Lok-tok (which means noodles)", "cheese tofu", "tomato" and "corn" which are all her favourite things to eat.  Lately she has started loving prata for breakfast.  She loves stacking blocks in the morning, and playing her cooking toys and pretend to drink (making loud slurping noises from her toy cups).  All told to me by my helper with amusement.

For her older sister, who is 6, recently she went out running with my husband, in her claims to want "a race".  My hubby gave her a 100m headstart and she excitedly ran as fast as she could... Eventually he caught up but it was a close one.  As we were heading home, they were talking about whether her brothers could run faster than her, and my husband said they probably could as they were older.  Then she said "But I can run faster than you, daddy", and instead of humouring her, my husband, the ever-competitive one (you wonder where she gets that from), declared "Well, that's because I purposely let you win".  And her retort was "In a real race, you shouldn't do that". I burst out laughing and my husband said "Yes, you are right.  I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that".  We both marvelled at how she really believed she won him.  

Another funny thing my oldest one (10 years old) said.  I Whatsapped my husband on a Sunday when I was out, to tell the boys to do some Chinese homework so that when I got back, we could all head out.  His reply was that the oldest boy said "it is a Sabbath".  I sent back an eyeroll and a facepalm.  

Our kids do make us laugh quite a lot.

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