Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy 2019!!!


It's the first day of the new year and i just wanna spend some time journalling my thoughts about the new year and past year, a bit like what Bill Hybels advised.

Firstly, it was a mad series of meet-ups and parties and cell gatherings the last days of the old year, and i was glad we finally had the time to list down a series of thanksgivings for 2018. Although I felt it was a really bad year overall, my eyes popped out to see how many blessings God had blessed me with! It's just that we tend to thank God for a moment, and then forget clean about it a few weeks or months later.  So a year end reflections digs up things in the recesses of my mind that i was surprised to find, a bit like cleaning out a closet or cupboard and finding something of value that you completely forget you owned. Anyway, we were both pleasantly surprised and what i really enjoyed after that was our prayer requests or goals for 2019 and our prayers over them.  Ben prayed for me and i really enjoyed how he prayed for my office and department, casting out all the spirits of selfish ambition, malaise and apathy, and loosing spirits of integrity, excellence, teamwork and diligence.  We also prayed for Cheryl and Qingling and it felt really good and right to finally voice out these specific prayers that we thought but never voiced out specifically.  Same for my workplace, cos like it or not, even though I tell myself that as a mom of kids at a critical age, i should focus more on them and less on my work, and even Christian work seems to be of more significance than my work in my job, i cant help but feel i am betraying my organisation, colleagues and bosses if I switch off and dont do my best.  And I want to do my best, I want to shine the light of Christ everywhere I go, and I have always firmly believed that you can't do that without doing a good job, that one of the ways to glorify God and bring praise to God is by doing such an excellent piece of work because of our worship to God that one cant help but praise God because of that piece of work.

I have also realised that I haven't done what Grit asks me to do - which is to come up with that 1 or 2 top level goal that directs my life, that all other sub goals are subservient to. Hmm maybe I should first list down all the goals I have for work, family, Christian life and personal:

- To make work meaningful and fun, not overly voluminous nor stressful
- To put everyone in roles they enjoy and which they can contribute at their apex
- To truly make a difference in the environment in the area of work I'm in

- To raise godly, passionate and children who are able to self control and interact well with others, with strong emotional health

Christian life:
- To save more souls
- To disciple them well
- To pray well

- To lead an organised, simple life
- To take good care of my health

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