Sunday, October 30, 2022

Fun Things to Do with Kids over Holidays

 With the end of final year exams round the corner, I started turning my attention to what to do with my little kids over the long November and December holidays.  Here is a fun idea if you have kids who are at least 7 years old (I realised there is no upper limit to this as even I enjoyed this activity immensely the last time we did it!).

Below is a list of topics I came up with, which represent topics which are quite different from what school would cover, yet represent a highly interesting aspect of our world.  The intent so get your kid to pick 2 numbers from 1 to 25, and then tell them what their topic is. Ask them to go to the library and borrow books on that topic and write you a little summary of what they learnt. It's a very fun activity which you can tweak to suit your purposes! Eg change up the topics to what you and your kids like, or get them to pick fewer or more topics. Or ask them to give an oral presentation. The sky is the limit!  Have fun! 

1. Military geniuses

2. Military inventions

3. Sea / blue carbon / role of oceans 

4. Birds / migratory birds and role of habitats / bird care 

5. Planets and outer space 

6. Plants and their marvellous abilities and functions 

7. Great leaders 

8. Great thinkers 

9. Musicians 

10. Painters 

11. Fashion designers 

12. Entrepreneurs (of social media, apps, fangs)

13. Great salesmen / Great speakers 

14. Materials 

15. How things work 

16. Jungle survival 

17. Surviving through winter - how animals do it or adapt 

18. Staying cool - how animals and nature does it 

19. Homes of animals 

20. How people dressed through the ages 

21. Types of homes of people around the world 

22. Food around the world 

23. Sleep 

24. Toys through the ages or around the world 

25. Pick a country at random and research all about it