Let's see:
- A really strong cup of tea (e.g. Hong Kong milk tea) or coffee (e.g. Starbucks coffee) and something that goes with it (e.g. egg onion roti prata, a muffin, kaya toast, some digestives)
- Cooking a meal that is cheap, healthy, fast, which uses up leftovers and soon-to-spoil vegetables in my fridge and gets lots of vegetables into my family as it is an economical way to feed the family, minimises food waste, and is healthy to consume as opposed to all the meat and junk we eat out there
- Watching a really well-made movie or reading a well-written book
- Laughing hard at a joke
- Sharing jokes with others and making them laugh
- Journalling my thoughts and insights about the world and about life
- Preparing for cell group, as I often gain so much insights from preparing it
- Walking in a park or garden and soaking in nature, with a little exercise thrown in
- Crafting a really good, elegant and crisp submission or persuasive deck of slides
- Having a good yak with good friends
From reading "Grit" by Angela Duckworth, I also realised the importance of having an overarching mission statement for my life, as that will help me evaluate every opportunity and activity that presents itself and to prioritise them accordingly. I am quite an organised, purposeful sort of person and this appeals to me. So here goes, my attempt at crafting my mission statement:
It must have humour. It must include the shedding of insights and clarity. It must include living the full life, one that does not make us a slave of anything, but of strength and purpose and good feelings and radical obedience to Jesus Christ. It should include the use of words, since a good friend once commented that I seem to have an apt way of describing something, and I know from experience that when I just let my words flow, through a stream of consciousness, without censoring, those are my very best writing. So I should not let it go to waste, this ability of mine.
To share insights and humour with others so as to provide clarity and good feelings, and to promote a life of purpose, freedom and radical obedience to Jesus Christ.