It is so ironic that about a week after I wrote the post on the importance of slowing down, I went into early labour for my current, third pregnancy, had to be admitted to hospital in the middle of a work day, had an emergency procedure performed on me, was put on medication to stop the contractions, and then sent home with hospitalisation leave until I deliver! I was also told not to walk around save for meals, bath and toilet. And this was despite my firm intention to work until I deliver. Ah the best-laid plans...
Being only 34 weeks pregnant, and with my gynae saying fervently (he makes this praying motion with his hands every time he says it) that if I can make it to 38 weeks, he would be very happy, meant I would be on bed rest for another 4 weeks. And if I delivered then, I would go on my maternity leave, which was another 16 weeks! So I would be out of action from office for least 20 weeks. Sometimes, I think my boss and colleagues curse themselves for having me as a colleague, as this is not the first pregnancy-related complication I've had. It so happens I also have a very kiasu, trigger-happy gynae who prescribes MC liberally to be on the 'safe side' and safeguard every pregnancy. My husband, who often thinks I work too hard (my work is not stressful!), had also insisted in the past on enough MC to tide me over the first trimester, which is often the tricky part. I must say, this is the first time I have had MC for the last trimester of my pregnancy, which goes to show every pregnancy is different.
You may think that, since I wrote my previous post, I would take this opportunity to slow down and contemplate the deeper things in life, or just to prepare for the third addition to the family, but alas no. I have been bored out of my mind lying in bed most of the day, and being unable to leave the house much, I can't even do much packing or housework or go to the library to stock up on books. So I have been logging on to my work computer a few hours every day to settle the "important" stuff, and playing with my kids while lying down once they are back from childcare. Recently, I have taken to heading out to the neighbourhood centre for meals and doing some light shopping, and doing a spot of baking. It has been more than a week since I have been put on bedrest and only now have I gotten down to blogging again (which is my way of thinking more deeply about things). So it goes to show. It takes a while for a speeding train to slow down :P
Ok! I have almost finished two really awesome books, with loads of practical applications to my daily life. They are:
(a) Einstein never used flashcards: How our children really learn - And why they need to play more and memorise less
(b) The meaning of marriage
Let me talk a little bit about the first book.
Recently, we have been feeling guilty that we have not sent our kids to any enrichment classes at all, and having 2 kids who are aged 3 and 4, that seems a bit old not to have attended any (except the few sessions of Zoophonics which my elder son hated and we pulled him out soon after). At that time, we also discovered some free enrichment classes in early June, to interest parents in sending their kids over the June holidays, so we brought our kids to two such classes - an art class for very young kids, which was quite hard to find (most of them want kids above 4 plus), and another was a Japanese method of training the right brain of very young kids called Heguru. I guess it is similar to Shichida, which also uses flashcards, and trains photographic memory, but it is clearly different and according to the founder, relatively new to Singapore.
When I attended the free introductory lesson for Heguru, we were treated to videos of kids in Japan who had been trained under this method for years. What they could do seemed out of this world. It was like they were aliens from outer space. Some kids could do "wave reading" whereby they just flipped through a book really fast (think of flipping fast enough to get little cartoon figures to move), and after doing it a few times, they could write down in a fair amount of detail what the book said! They could also make up complex structures out of plastic cups really fast, and point out the number of dots on a paper flashed before them really briefly. I thought it looked like a freak show, but my husband was duly impressed and signed them up for a month's worth of classes. I asked the founder, who was conducting the introductory lesson, what were the life outcomes of these kids, and he said rather evasively that they did not track them. Personally, I was also thinking, so what if a kid could speed read like that, that could take a lot of enjoyment out of life! I mean, how were they going to find enough good books to occupy their time if they devoured them that fast! He talked about how by showing them flashcards really really fast, they were forcing the kids to switch from their left brain, which processed things more linearly, to their right brain, which could process things much faster. But by the time a kid reaches a certain age, they are unable to access the right brain as much (cue scary music for parents!). Hence we have to expose our kids now. In fact the younger the better (e.g. 18 months).
Well, it was so coincidental (or maybe divinely arranged?) that right after the class, I wandered into a children's bookstore in the same mall, and my eyes alighted on the book with the title "Einstein never used flashcards". I laughingly pointed it out to my husband, who replied "not many kids have the intelligence of Einstein". *Roll eyes*
The following week, they attended their first lesson and I sat with my younger son while my husband sat with my older one. My jaw dropped at how fast the 2 girls were talking and flipping through the flashcards. They were showing pictures of so many detailed things that I never thought of exposing my kid to - constellation names, pictures of famous paintings from a certain artist, landmarks in Germany, addition, subtraction and even multiplication, and even sang songs to them in a different language. They also made them do origami, when clearly my 3-year old lacked the fine motor skills to fold anything in a straight line. One kid kept screaming and crying and had to be brought out of the class after a while. The rest just sat there and either looked a bit shell-shocked, or started getting distracted at some point.
As I left, I stopped my the bookstore and bought the book, as I could not locate it in the library, and my curiosity was killing me.
As expected, it ridiculed the need to train kids at a young age to memorise letters, numbers, and names of famous painters, as memorising a lot of facts did not equate intelligence or understanding. It also said that kids who went to more academically-inclined preschools faired no differently in terms academic performance from those who went to more play-based preschools, except kids who went to the former were more anxious and stressed about learning. And it talked about how it was more important for parents to talk to their children in their daily life, or talk to them about what was happening in the storybook, to ask them questions, and to answer their questions, so that they learn in context, rather than memorise a lot of random facts. Talking frequently to our kids also helps them make sense of things that happened to them, and builds their emotional intelligence and resilience. And we can do many things to make reading and math fun. Like asking them about what the characters are feeling and why. Entertaining their questions about what they see in a book. Making them count their favourite toys, or share something, or giving them an allowance starting with really small amounts (nothing teaches math like money!). I must say my kids sometimes like to ask so many questions when I read, it takes a while to get through a page. But according to the book, we should relish such interactions!
And it also talked about the importance of giving them both convergent toys (where there is only one right answer, like a puzzle), and divergent toys (where there are many possible answers, like lego or blocks), to stimulate their creativity. And to give them time for free play, so they learn to entertain themselves and come up with things to do (an important skill in adulthood!) instead of always relying on videos or a screen to do it for them.
And not to praise them for their intelligence (guilty!), but for their effort; not to go wild with applause when they get the right answers (guilty again!), but to value their approach in solving the problem or arriving at the answer. Because it is their willingness to make the effort, to persevere, and to apply the right approaches, that will help them solve future problems. Praising them for intelligence may cause them to fear getting anything wrong, and being pleased when they get the right answer may produce more rote-learning than real learning.
All very tough lessons for me to apply, but in a future world where information can frequently be obtained via a search engine, the ability to amass and retain large amounts of information may not be as important as the ability to organise the information and to think critically and creatively.
Lastly, I reflected on my own childhood growing up. Funnily, my Grandma took care of me during my preschool years, and she was always too busy doing chores to bother with me. This meant I spent a lot of time lying on the living room sofa, watching TV or staring at the ceiling. One of my favourite pastimes was apparently washing my hands in the kitchen while talking to myself! I also eventually made up imaginary characters that I would talk to (including a younger sister) and when I started reading, to writing my own stories. My mum and dad were too busy working to play with me. And according to the Einstein book, having an imaginary friend was a sign of creativity in a child (think Calvin and Hobbes), and yet I suspect this often arises out of a lack of companions (Calvin didn't have any siblings, just like me) and boredom.
Hence, maybe our job as parents is much simpler than it really is - we just have to talk to our kids when we get home, read to them, give them both convergent and divergent toys, and limit their screen time so they can have a chance to be bored :)
And by the way, my husband didn't bring our kids to their third Heguru lesson, cos even he was starting to doubt the ability of my kids to absorb what was going on, and my older son was falling asleep in it! The art class, however, is another matter. We signed up for another 12 lessons this week as we were so smitten by the art work they were bringing back (see below), and as the teachers were providing us with good feedback on the relative abilities of my sons (younger one has better fine motor skills and more patience, older son is quick to finish and starts running around). I guess sometimes, old-fashioned hobbies are best.
Younger son's art
Older son's art
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Saturday, June 6, 2015
The Importance of Slowing Down
On World Environment Day (5 June), I attended at a conference on sustainability. Such a broad, general topic. I was in a dark mood when I arrived, convinced that I would waste a whole morning listening to self-congratulatory speeches and banal, motherhood statements on sustainability, when I had a lot of work waiting back in office for me.
To my surprise, I found myself hearing of things I had never heard much of before. Things like the Circular Economy, and hearing about cool companies that were helping to make it happen like Airbnb (you open up spare rooms in homes to tourists), Uber (you offer to drive people who need a ride and/or are going the same way), Rent Tycoons (you offer to rent stuff you own to others), Block Pooling (people from the same neighbourhood share professional services, contacts, advice and lend/borrow stuff from one another). One speaker also talked about how IKEA bought back used Christmas trees from their customers for a fee, to be used to make furniture! This was a nice concept of a win-win.
It was immensely refreshing to hear about such awesome concepts that were good for the environment and also good business.
I thought about all the tasks I was busy with at work, and some of the concepts I had heard from the panellists was actually helping me change my perspective on how I would tackle some of them. And wasn't it ironic that here I was, supposedly wasting my time at an irrelevant conference, and having all these thoughts that might actually make a bigger impact on my work than if I had spent an incredibly efficient morning finishing all of my tasks really well.
A speaker talked about how "we are accelerating our thoughts and actions at a breathless rate" today. With internet literally on our fingertips, we can gather information, find out what other people are doing, consume news and entertainment at an incredible, continuous rate.
All this might make it seem like we can make really good decisions, but I actually think this might result in us making decisions similar to everybody else. Worse, all this information overload and busyness is stifling the creativity and our ability to think deeply about issues. Yes, I am not into Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Yet I also fill whatever time I have with work, children, really good fiction novels (by the way, I recently discovered Michael Crichton - what a renaissance man!).
I realized that there is value in taking time to sit back and to think deeply about our situations, if not every day, then at least once a week. To take a step back, reflect on what has been happening in our lives, think about the roots of the problems, the bigger picture, ask ourselves questions and let our minds wander and come up with answers and solutions that are true to ourselves.
I am very sure that by taking a little time to do this every week, we will become a lot more focused and effective when we ARE busy. And we will be able to see a lot more clearly, through all the BS and the details that clutter up our eyeballs, ears and fog up our minds, the best answer and solution that has a big impact and would bring us nearer to our goals, not further.
As they say, fast is slow and slow is fast. Less is more and more is less.
To my surprise, I found myself hearing of things I had never heard much of before. Things like the Circular Economy, and hearing about cool companies that were helping to make it happen like Airbnb (you open up spare rooms in homes to tourists), Uber (you offer to drive people who need a ride and/or are going the same way), Rent Tycoons (you offer to rent stuff you own to others), Block Pooling (people from the same neighbourhood share professional services, contacts, advice and lend/borrow stuff from one another). One speaker also talked about how IKEA bought back used Christmas trees from their customers for a fee, to be used to make furniture! This was a nice concept of a win-win.
It was immensely refreshing to hear about such awesome concepts that were good for the environment and also good business.
I thought about all the tasks I was busy with at work, and some of the concepts I had heard from the panellists was actually helping me change my perspective on how I would tackle some of them. And wasn't it ironic that here I was, supposedly wasting my time at an irrelevant conference, and having all these thoughts that might actually make a bigger impact on my work than if I had spent an incredibly efficient morning finishing all of my tasks really well.
A speaker talked about how "we are accelerating our thoughts and actions at a breathless rate" today. With internet literally on our fingertips, we can gather information, find out what other people are doing, consume news and entertainment at an incredible, continuous rate.
All this might make it seem like we can make really good decisions, but I actually think this might result in us making decisions similar to everybody else. Worse, all this information overload and busyness is stifling the creativity and our ability to think deeply about issues. Yes, I am not into Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Yet I also fill whatever time I have with work, children, really good fiction novels (by the way, I recently discovered Michael Crichton - what a renaissance man!).
I realized that there is value in taking time to sit back and to think deeply about our situations, if not every day, then at least once a week. To take a step back, reflect on what has been happening in our lives, think about the roots of the problems, the bigger picture, ask ourselves questions and let our minds wander and come up with answers and solutions that are true to ourselves.
I am very sure that by taking a little time to do this every week, we will become a lot more focused and effective when we ARE busy. And we will be able to see a lot more clearly, through all the BS and the details that clutter up our eyeballs, ears and fog up our minds, the best answer and solution that has a big impact and would bring us nearer to our goals, not further.
As they say, fast is slow and slow is fast. Less is more and more is less.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Parenting Philosophies
I have been scratching my head about what my parenting philosophy should be. By parenting philosophy, I mean - what do I really want my kids to develop into, and to have in life. What character traits, values, abilities, skills do I want them to have, which means I should spend time and effort inculcating in them? In our kiasu Singapore environment, I find when I don't determine for myself what I think is important, I end up stressing a lot about which preschools to send them to, which primary schools, and whether and which enrichment programmes to send them to... I'm sure many moms can relate to that.
A few weeks ago, if asked, I guess I would say my parenting philosophy is:
- I want my kids to be emotionally healthy, which means not insecure, not possessive, able to care and empathise with others, able to deal with personal failure and disappointments with others in a healthy way etc
- That my kids love to read as I do, as reading opens up whole new worlds of literature, thought and endless hours of entertainment and enjoyment
Recently, I had another small epiphany on this topic.
It started with a dream I had. It was a while ago, and I would have forgotten this entirely if I had not written it down in my handphone. In my dream, I think I was looking at one of my sons doing something, and suddenly I had this feeling of how God feels when one of His creation is doing something well that God created him/her to have the gift or aptitude to do – and it was a feeling of intense pleasure. It could pertain to something as simple as a runner running fast and exalting in his body, in the speed, in the exhilaration of running. Of a gifted musician jamming on his piano, creating beautiful music that uplifts his or her soul. Or a talented painter bringing colours of this world captured in his mind’s eye to life. Or even a mother, cooking a delicious meal for her family, and making the home a great place to be. Or a hairdresser, completely focused on giving the best haircut for the person before him or her.
This throws on its head what I have always believed pleases God. I have always thought God is pleased when we do the traditional “spiritual” things, like help to expand His kingdom (e.g. win souls, pray for souls, teach Bible study, serve in church, give money to the less fortunate), act in a Christ-like way like do something self-sacrificial for others, and generally obey the Bible.
But through my dream, I realised that God is also tremendously pleased to have his people do the things they were made to be are really good at doing, or have an innate talent for.
The closest verses in the Bible that talks about this is in Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” and 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.
Hence, when I relate it to what my parenting philosophy ought to be, I feel in addition to the traits I listed above, I would like them to discover their passions and gifts, and to apply them as much as they can in their lives. So far, in my two sons, I am starting to tell what their natural talents are. My older son has a photographic memory, seems to have an affinity for music and math, and is kinesthetically-gifted. I would say the last talent is the most obvious. As a mom who loves words and was a "nerd" in school, I can't help lamenting to myself why can't he have developed a more useful gift? My younger son seems to like words and books, good food and creature comforts. Ah... did I say the younger one takes after me?
I am still discovering whether these passions and gifts are true in my kids, and to what extent. But if they are indeed true, I should probably help them develop more in those areas, and eventually pursue hobbies and careers that make use of such abiltiies. That is probably how they will come close to finding true joy and living out their purpose in life.
A few weeks ago, if asked, I guess I would say my parenting philosophy is:
- I want my kids to be emotionally healthy, which means not insecure, not possessive, able to care and empathise with others, able to deal with personal failure and disappointments with others in a healthy way etc
- That my kids love to read as I do, as reading opens up whole new worlds of literature, thought and endless hours of entertainment and enjoyment
Recently, I had another small epiphany on this topic.
It started with a dream I had. It was a while ago, and I would have forgotten this entirely if I had not written it down in my handphone. In my dream, I think I was looking at one of my sons doing something, and suddenly I had this feeling of how God feels when one of His creation is doing something well that God created him/her to have the gift or aptitude to do – and it was a feeling of intense pleasure. It could pertain to something as simple as a runner running fast and exalting in his body, in the speed, in the exhilaration of running. Of a gifted musician jamming on his piano, creating beautiful music that uplifts his or her soul. Or a talented painter bringing colours of this world captured in his mind’s eye to life. Or even a mother, cooking a delicious meal for her family, and making the home a great place to be. Or a hairdresser, completely focused on giving the best haircut for the person before him or her.
This throws on its head what I have always believed pleases God. I have always thought God is pleased when we do the traditional “spiritual” things, like help to expand His kingdom (e.g. win souls, pray for souls, teach Bible study, serve in church, give money to the less fortunate), act in a Christ-like way like do something self-sacrificial for others, and generally obey the Bible.
But through my dream, I realised that God is also tremendously pleased to have his people do the things they were made to be are really good at doing, or have an innate talent for.
The closest verses in the Bible that talks about this is in Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” and 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.
Hence, when I relate it to what my parenting philosophy ought to be, I feel in addition to the traits I listed above, I would like them to discover their passions and gifts, and to apply them as much as they can in their lives. So far, in my two sons, I am starting to tell what their natural talents are. My older son has a photographic memory, seems to have an affinity for music and math, and is kinesthetically-gifted. I would say the last talent is the most obvious. As a mom who loves words and was a "nerd" in school, I can't help lamenting to myself why can't he have developed a more useful gift? My younger son seems to like words and books, good food and creature comforts. Ah... did I say the younger one takes after me?
I am still discovering whether these passions and gifts are true in my kids, and to what extent. But if they are indeed true, I should probably help them develop more in those areas, and eventually pursue hobbies and careers that make use of such abiltiies. That is probably how they will come close to finding true joy and living out their purpose in life.
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